I would like to remind parents that the cut-off date for requesting a Christmas Dinner is Friday 29th November. Please ensure that you return the slip back to school before 9.00am on Friday morning.
We will not able to accept any more requests after this date and time, as the food will already have been ordered and due to health and safety regulations, we can only have a certain amount of people in the hall at one time. Please do not come on the day without a ticket as you will not able to have your Christmas lunch with us.
We are aware that some parents have been allocated a different time slot; however, we have tried to accommodate everyone’s needs, remember to check your ticket in case your time has changed. We ask that parents arrive no more than 10 minutes before their allocated time to ensure everything runs smoothly.
If you have already asked for a ticket and have not received this, please come to the school office and let us know. It is important to remember to bring your ticket with you on the day.
If your child usually has a packed lunch and would like to stay for Christmas Lunch, please inform school as soon as possible.