At Grangetown Primary School we aim to have a secure knowledge of our pupils’ strengths, identify and address learning opportunities alongside celebrating their achievements. We ensure that we use our professional judgements to ensure that all our pupils meet their full potential. Furthermore, we continually use formative assessments, closely linking these to the planned curriculum, we establish what the children have learned and understood, which then informs the “next steps” in our teaching and learning.
Alongside, our formative assessments we schedule termly summative assessments. Our in-school summative assessments are used to monitor and support children’s performances in Reading, SPaG and Mathematics. These assessments support the teachers when making judgements on pupil’s progress. The provide valuable information about how well pupils have understood a topic that has been taught across a period of time. Summative assessments also inform parents about their child’s achievements, progress and wider outcomes.
For further information about our assessment procedures please click the button below: