Fun Day – Summer Fair
Fun day - please come and support school for the afternoon. Lots of fun activities, stalls and food available.
Fun day - please come and support school for the afternoon. Lots of fun activities, stalls and food available.
Year 1 visit to Saltburn as part of their Grangetown 5 things.
Day trip to Saltburn for our children in Year 1
Trip to Guisborough Woods for the children in Year 4
Year 4 visit to Guisborough Woods as part of their field work study in Geography.
School closed to children
Year 6 Thrive workshop on Cannabis Awareness
A day for the children to meet their new teacher in readiness for moving into the new school year in September.
Exciting whole school concert at Grangetown United. Children have been practising Queen songs to share with you in a very special concert. Reception & KS1 from 10am KS2 from 1pm
Year 1 trip to Hollywood Bowl for bowling and food