Year 4 Miss Armstrong – Visit to Waterfall Farm
Miss Armstrong's Year 4 children will visit Waterfall Farm near Masham. They will learn about farming careers, meet animals and follow the Farm to Fork journey for making sausages.
Miss Armstrong's Year 4 children will visit Waterfall Farm near Masham. They will learn about farming careers, meet animals and follow the Farm to Fork journey for making sausages.
Miss Taylor's Year 4 children will visit Waterfall Farm near Masham. They will learn about farming careers, meet animals and follow the Farm to Fork journey for making sausages.
The Year 3 children will visit Arbeia Roman Fort in South Shields as part of their history topic.
Thrive session for our Year 6 children looking at Healthy Relationships & Alcohol Awareness
The ARC children will visit Waterfall Farm near Masham. They will learn about farming careers, meet animals and follow the Farm to Fork journey for making sausages.
Year 5 OOA Festival at Redcar Rugby Club
Open afternoon from 1:15pm. Come into the classroom, have a look at your child's work. You can take your child home anytime from 1:15pm. We finish for half term on […]
Thrive session for our ARC children in Year 6 looking at Healthy Relationships and Alcohol Awareness
Opportunity for Year 6 children to have last primary school photos taken with their class/year group