Open Afternoon

Open afternoon from 1:15pm. Come into the classroom, have a look at your child's work. You can take your child home anytime from 1:15pm.  We finish for half term on […]

ARC year 6 Children – Thrive

Thrive session for our ARC children in Year 6 looking at Healthy Relationships and Alcohol Awareness

Year 6 Leavers Photos

Opportunity for Year 6 children to have last primary school photos taken with their class/year group

Sports Dress Up Day

Children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite sports star.

Sports Day – Reception to Year 6

This year our school sports day will be held at the Grangetown Boys Club for all children from Reception to Year 6. We will be inviting parents to watch during […]

Colour Run

Children are expected to wear a white t-shirt and sunglasses when participating in the colour run. As well as wearing suitable footwear and clothing suitable for running.

Year 6 – Headstart Workshop

Workshop delivered by Headstart South Tees to our Year 6 children looking at transition to secondary school.