ARC – Bowling Trip
The children from the ARC will attend a bowling event at Hollywood Bowl, Teesside Park. Staff cars will be used to transport them.
The children from the ARC will attend a bowling event at Hollywood Bowl, Teesside Park. Staff cars will be used to transport them.
Sports event at Redcar Leisure Centre - travel by coach at 9:15am. Children will be back in time for lunch.
Sports event at Redcar Leisure Centre. Children will travel by coach at 9:15am and be back in time for lunch.
Year 4 visit to Kirkleatham Museum - £5.00 parental contribution requested
Sports event at Eston Leisure Centre. Children will walk there - those on school dinners will be given a packed lunch.
Bike Skills for Year 4 children
A chance to speak to your child's teacher about their progress this year. Appointments to be booked on Parentmail.
The children from the ARC will be given the chance to Ice Skate at Billingham Forum. Staff cars will be used to transport them.
Selected children will attend a Dodgeball Festival at Redcar Leisure Centre
School closed to children