

At Grangetown Primary School we aim to deliver a high-quality Geography Curriculum, through a wide variety of experiences in and outside the classroom. Through quality first teaching, fieldwork and educational visits, which in turn inspires a curiosity of the world and its people. We endeavour to instil a love of Geography and support children in their confidence to undertake new experiences whilst deepening their knowledge and understanding of the world alongside gaining a sense of their place within it. We intend to provide all children with opportunities to investigate and build geographical skills starting with their local area building into the wider world. This includes locational knowledge, understanding of human and physical features and geographical and fieldwork techniques. Alongside this we foster the curiosity approach encouraging children to ask questions and propose solutions to environmental impact and problem through investigations and research. We also aim to increase awareness of ever-increasing environmental issues and the impact humans have and encourage pupils to become reflective members of society who consider their actions and choices, actively investing in protecting the planet.


Our Early Years provision is the first step for children in becoming geographers. It provides the first opportunity to observe how environments influence children and how they interact with their surroundings. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework is structured differently to the National Curriculum and Geography is taught through the thread of ‘Understanding the World’. Children make sense of their physical world and their community by allowing them to explore, observe and learn about people, places, technology and environments.

Throughout KS1 and KS2 the National Curriculum is followed to ensure that children gain the necessary skills, knowledge and experiences in Geography and building upon them on their journey through school. Teachers ensure that Geography lessons are coherently planned, ensuring that there is a progression of skills that build upon pupils’ prior knowledge and understanding of the world and connections made between human and physical processes through quality first teaching. Children build their geographical proficiency from their local area into the wider world. This include their locational knowledge and understanding, geographical fieldwork skills and understanding human and physical features. All children are provided with opportunities to develop their geographical and fieldwork skills through using maps and atlases (physically and digitally). Fieldwork enables children to apply their geographical skills in a real-life setting and explore their local area and the features within it. Alongside this subject knowledge and key skills are differentiated to meet the needs of all children and their abilities.

From EYFS to the end of KS2 pupils are taught a wide range of geographical terminology that links to their local area and the wider world. Continuous assessments of geographical knowledge and understanding informs teaching and planning of effective lessons. With this in mind planning is closely linked to the skills progression ensuring that knowledge is taught across the year group and skills progress across the key stages with building on prior learning taking place.


At Grangetown Primary, the impact of quality first teaching fosters a love and excitement for Geography. Well-constructed and well-taught lessons offer pupils with opportunities to research and apply skills independently providing skills that are essential for lifelong learning. Moderation of teaching and learning provides opportunities to reflect on what pupils have learned and are indicative of high standards set across school. Knowledge and skills are developed progressively to enable children to meet the National Curriculum requirements and prepare them to become competent geographers as they progress through school and into their futures. Pupils will leave KS2 with a strong knowledge of their local are and have confidence to locate and discuss other countries around the world along with their capital cities. They will be able to explain and evaluate geographical landscapes and natural events that occur across the globe, which will further support their futures in secondary education and beyond.

We want all pupils to thoroughly enjoy what they are learning about in geography and actively encourage them the undertake new life experiences that enhance their understanding of the ever-changing world.


24 March

Y5 Mini Police


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