Nursery Attendance

Although it is not compulsory, Nursery attendance is important as it is the beginning of your child’s school journey.

It is important for your child to get used to coming to school and settle into a routine as this helps them to prepare for starting full time school

By attending nursery regularly your child is able to form friendships with their peers. These friendships become stronger the more time the children spend together in the classroom.

Regular attendance means that your child can access many learning opportunities developing them cognitively, emotionally and improves their physical development.

  • If you know your child is going to be absent we have several ways that you can report it to the school; Phone, Mobile, Text Messaging, ParentMail, E-mail
  • If you are due to take a holiday please complete a nursery holiday form, this is so that school have a record of your child’s whereabouts for safeguarding reasons.
  • If your child is absent please call the school office to report this, can you please call on everyday of the absence.
  • If we do not receive notification that your child is absent the school will endeavour to make contact with you to confirm your child’s whereabouts.
  • Please inform us if your child has a medical appointment then we can authorise their absence with medical evidence.

Illness: We would like to offer some guidance provided by NHS UK explaining how long your child needs to be absent from school. We appreciate that you will also use your own judgements as a parent/carer as to whether your child is well enough to attend school.

Should my child go to school or nursery today? :: North East and North Cumbria Healthier Together (

The table below shows the most common illnesses and infections and the recommended period of time to be absent from school. We would always recommend that if you are unsure or require further clarification to contact your GP or call 111.

Illness When can I return to school?
Chicken Pox Until all spots have crusted over
Scarlet Fever 24 hours after commencing appropriate antibiotic treatment
Impetigo Until lesions are crusted and healed, or 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment
Slapped cheek Can remain at school unless unwell
Hand, Foot and Mouth Can remain in school unless unwell
Diarrhoea and/or vomiting Although the guidance states 48 hours after the last episode, school are   happy for children to return as soon as the symptoms have stopped.
Conjunctivitis Can remain in school
Head Lice Can remain in school but we would expect that children are treated at home before they come into school.
Tonsillitis Can remain in school but usually need antibiotics
Ear Infection Can remain in school.

Although we have no formal guidelines, coughing and sneezing easily spreads infections. Children should be encouraged to cover their mouths and nose with a tissue.   Handwashing is one of the most important ways of controlling the spread of infections, especially those that cause diarrhoea and vomiting.

nursery attendance policy


05 March

Y5&Y6 Netball Competition


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