We are committed to ensuring we communicate and involve our parents with all processes in school. We use Parentmail to interact and ensure all relevant information is sent out when required. We also use Facebook and Twitter as our social media pages to engage parents further in not only what is going on in school, but also with their children’s learning.
As well as reporting, we also use SEESAW so that parents can be further involved with their children’s learning at home. This is used as a platform for remote learning as well as an in-class tool which parents can then access at home.
We support our parents as much as we can, and we currently have a partnership with FareShare who provide us with fresh food and produce that we have then created an eco-shop exclusive to the parents of our school. Alongside this, we have opened our very own pantry which we stock and support families with where necessary.
We have ‘open afternoons’ in school to celebrate the children’s work. Parents, alongside their child’s class teacher, will discuss and make their way through their learning journey. We also report on their child’s progress on a termly basis through report cards and provide an end of year report for all children.