Phase 3 (Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 & The ARC) – Phase Leader – Mr Vickers
Phase 3 is made up of Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 and our ARC class. Our day in Phase 3 begins with a book and a bagel – a lovely way to start the day! Each day is jam-packed with interesting and engaging lessons across the whole curriculum. Our morning sessions focus on Reading, Maths and Writing, whereas our afternoon sessions deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, encouraging our children to use their creativity and knowledge in a variety of ways. We have two playtimes across the school day – one in the morning and one following our lunch with a variety of activities for the children to engage in.
All Phase 3 classes have access to the Phase 3 library, which comprises of hundreds of books to suit readers of all levels and all interests. Our fantastic French teacher, Benoit, delivers weekly sessions to all classes in Phase 3.
In Year 4, the children take part in the Multiplication Tables Check where the children’s knowledge of all of their times tables is assessed. We practise times tables as often as possible, in school and at home, through our Times Tables Rockstars app. In Year 6, the children take part in the SATs, which are statutory assessments to measure the children’s knowledge in Maths, Reading and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
We have a weekly phase assembly, where we come together to talk about current events or themes that are appropriate and important to us. In these assemblies, we also celebrate amazing work from across the week.