We believe that young people should have equal life chances as they move into adulthood no matter of their background. In order for children of all backgrounds to be given the same life-chances, education is key.
During your child’s time at Grangetown Primary School, we aim to equip them with the skills necessary to be successful in adulthood.
Your child will be taught skills across four prime areas:
- Employment
- Independent Living
- Community Inclusion
- Health.
Our preparation for adulthood starts in Kiddiwinkles and each year your child will build on the skills they have previously learnt so that they leave our school with an enhanced set the skills. This will allow them to be successful in adult life. We have established links with employers, which will provide each child will experiences on their individual journey including challenge days, careers talks, visits to local employers and much more.
Lead – Mr Bowman
At Grangetown Primary School, we are committed to preparing our children for the world of work. We work closely with local companies and further educational settings to equip our children with a clear understanding of career pathways and opportunities. We also prioritise the teaching of transferable skills that children can take into the workplace in their transition to adulthood. Our careers curriculum is carefully coordinated to develop these skills from the day they start in our 2-year-old provision to the day they leave in Year 6. These skills are based around four prime areas: Independent Living, Employment, Community Inclusion and Health. To ensure that careers is a common thread throughout our curriculum, children study the jobs in Science, focus on jobs of the week in class, celebrate National Careers Week and have the opportunity to set up their own businesses in the £10 challenge days. We are looking at how we can support children from Crib to Career & inspire them along the way.