We provide children with a creative RE curriculum which is full of memorable experiences. This will engage the children in their learning and will support their knowledge and understanding of religion.


The intention of RE at Grangetown Primary school is to give children the knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and worldviews, enabling them to develop ideas, values and identities. We follow the SACRE (Standard Advisory Council on Religious Education) which is an agreed syllabus for Redcar and Cleveland. Our school believes that all children should be aware of different religions and beliefs, practices and forms of expression, and understand how these beliefs and views influence individuals, families, communities and cultures. We want to encourage children to develop respect for others, including those whose faiths and beliefs are different from their own. Our RE lessons are delivered creatively to enthuse and engage the children in their learning. We endeavour to provide children with memorable experiences of different religions, customs and celebrations. We hold RE days where we celebrate different religions. Visitors will come to the school and host assemblies. We also take children on visits to places of worship. Throughout the school year we also celebrate important cultural and religious events. We provide children with a creative RE curriculum which is full of memorable experiences. This will engage the children in their learning and will support their knowledge and understanding.


In KS1 and KS2 RE is taught through an agreed syllabus and is taught on a weekly basis this enables retention of knowledge and progression. We implement a progressive RE curriculum that builds on prior knowledge starting with Christianity and then building on the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. A post-learning task is carried out to review the knowledge and asses what has been taught.


Outcomes through books and discussion, evidence a deep and broad understanding of RE and demonstrate children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge relating to the SACRE. As children progress through school they gain knowledge of four key concepts; belief, teachings and authority, worship and impact of faith. The progression through school building on their knowledge each year will ensure by the end of Year 6 they will be equipped with systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views, enabling them to develop their ideas, values and identities.

Click the button below to view the SACRE:

Click on the link below to view our Grangetown Primary Progression in R.E.


05 March

Y5&Y6 Netball Competition


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