School Dinners

At Grangetown Primary School, we understand the vital role that a hot, nutritious meal plays in supporting children’s learning and well-being. Our school lunches, provided by Mellors Catering Services, are carefully designed to offer a balance of essential nutrients to fuel growing bodies and active minds. A wholesome lunch not only helps to sustain energy levels but also aids in concentration, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to make the most of their school day.

Beyond the nutritional benefits, our lunchtimes provide an invaluable social experience. Sharing a meal together fosters a sense of community, where children, staff, and friends of the school come together as a family. Throughout the year, we also celebrate food from around the world with special themed days, introducing children to diverse cuisines and cultures. These events spark curiosity, encourage discussion, and inspire a lifelong appreciation for food. At Grangetown Primary, lunchtime is not just a break – it’s an opportunity to nourish the body, mind, and spirit.

If you would like to find out more information about our caterers, please have a look at their website on:

Week 1 Menu will be on the following weeks:

3/3/25, 24/3/25, 28/4/25, 19/5/25, 16/6/25 & 7/7/25

Week 2 Menu will be on the following weeks:

10/3/25, 31/3/25, 5/5/25, 2/6/25, 23/6/25 & 14/7/25

Week 3 Menu will be on the following weeks:

17/3/25, 7/4/25, 12/5/25, 9/6/25 & 30/6/25


24 March

Y5 Mini Police