Grangetown Primary School fully embrace Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development within our school.

We have many initiatives within the school that we have provided below:

10 things to do…

Each year group choses 10 special things that they would like to complete over the year to help them increase their experiences of life. This has included: holding scary beasts, roller skating and raft building.

Special Events

We include special events from all across the World, the country and the local community in our daily school life.

GLP (Global Learning Programme)

As a school we spend time looking at different countries linking it to the Global Learning Programme work we have been doing. We have spent a week looking at South America where each year group was assigned an RRSA article and a GLP statement to work on and this information was made into a display for the school hall.

RRSA (Rights Respecting School Award)

The children are aware of their rights and for this every class wrote a class charter at the beginning of the year. During GLP week we also incorporated the RRSA articles into the work we were doing.

GABA (Grangetown Anti-Bullying Ambassadors)

The children ‘Made a noise’ about bullying during Anti-bullying week. Each class came up with their own way of making a noise including posters, poems and songs. Also GABA’s in school created and delivered an assembly to Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Parents which was very well attended.

We have GABA ambassadors from Year 2 to Year 6 and these children are known by their peers and wear badges to identify them so that others can come and talk to them if they have any friendship issues.

Our GABA Ambassadors are:

Kelcie Hilton
Aerein Oliver
Sophie Johnson
Kyle Jones
Aaron Dee
Abigail Bird
Armandas Matvejevas
Daisy Lillystone
Zoe Bolsover
Kyle Goodman
Ellie Sharkey
Ellie Temke

There is also a presentation that parents can download by Clicking here


We also get involved in Aspiration days with the children to inspire them. Examples of this include:

Scrap heap challenge

The children in year 4 were given a task of creating a space hotel out of recycled materials. The class chose four children to go to the Inspire to Learn centre to create the space hotel. The rest of the class stayed at school and carried out the tasks given by the four children such as advertising and designing. At the end of the day the children had to carry out a presentation about their hotel to other schools at the centre. The focus of the day was on entrepreneurial skills such as team work and communication skills. Visitors from industry also came to help the children. The day was enjoyed by all.

Brilliant Club Y5/Y6

A number of Year 5 and 6 children who have shown excellent academic potential have been given the opportunity to work closely with a PhD student from Durham University as part of The Brilliant Club scheme. Under the scheme, schools from across the country are being partnered with prestigious universities in order to raise the aspirations of young people, and encourage them to look at university as an attainable goal for their future.


The school runs assemblies with various topics that the children can relate to and fits in with the SMSC development. Topics for assemblies have included: Tolerance, Respect, Rule of Law, Democracy, Own and British Values.



14 January

Y3 / Y4 Roller Skating After School Club


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